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last modified: December 17th, 2009;
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Mixed-Design ANOVA with Mathematica

Mathematica does not have a command to run mixed design ANOVA. Here we provide a package called MixedDesignANOVA which can analyse two-factor within-between designs.

The package accepts any number of levels for either of the two factors and computes the full ANOVA table and can returns summary statistics, plots and variance-covariance matrices.

The package is located in MixedDesignANOVA.m

This notebook shows how to use the package UsingMixedDesignANOVA.nb

The source file is located in MixedDesignANOVA.nb

You can compare the results with those of SPSS with the following SPSS syntaxe.

Sylvain Chartier, Université de Ottawa

Denis Cousineau, Université de Montréal

For further information, contact Sylvain Chartier or