Liens sur la méthodologie de la linguistique historique et comparée


Why Do Languages Change?
Ling 001:  Language change (U. Pennsylvania)
L'origine des langues (Benoît Habert, Université Paris X)
* How likely are chance resemblances between languages?  (by The Zompist)
Amazing Coincidences in lexical comparison.
Historical Linguistics: The Study of Language Change (BSL 565 Linguistics)
Social Analysis 34: Knowledge of Language (Harvard, Jay Jasanoff and Javier Martín-González), avec des diapositives sur "historical linguistics"
Une page de liens sur la linguistique historique.
Un exemple de racine indo-européenne :"Knowing" Words in Indo-European Languages (et beaucoup d'autres choses, de qualité variable, dans la revue électronique de philosophie néo-Schopenhauerienne et de "ranting" anti-moderniste The Proceedings of the Friesian School de Kelley L. Ross, Los Angeles Valley College)
Michael Barlow's Linguistics HyperCard Stacks (Indo-European roots, Comparative reconstruction, Grimm's Law, etc.)
* On-line historical linguistics course by Peter K W Tan, National University of Singapore: (1) Reasons for Language Change (2)The Grammatical System and Change (3) Genealogical classification  (4) "In Search of the First Language" (transcript of video programme, with Joseph Greenberg, Merritt Ruhlen, James Matisoff and others)
Polish-English contrastive grammar course page
Linguistik online (collections d'articles consacrées a divers thèmes en linguistique; en allemand, français et anglais)

Les lois phonétiques (Lautgesetze)
Les lois de Grimm, expliquées par : barney@finucane.de ; Johannesson ; John Lawler)
La loi de Verner (voicing of a voiceless fricativein Proto-Germanic if the word stress was placed after the consonant )

La variation et la sociolinguistique.
** Driving Forces in Linguistic Change (William Labov, University of Pennsylvania)
Telsur Project (a survey of linguistic changes in progress in North American English)
Language Variation and Change (by Sarah G. Thomason)
Languages in Contact (by Donald Winford)
Sprachbünde: Beschreiben sie Sprachen oder Linguisten? (Jeroen Van Pottelberge, Gent)

La typologie et la diversité des langues.
*  Ethnologue: Languages of the World (inventaire de toutes — ou presque toutes —  les langues du monde, avec des données démographiques)
Topics in Linguistics: Language Universals (Paul Hagstrom, Boston University)
Östen Dahl's Home page (Uni Stockholm; v. "The structure and development of Tense, Mood, Aspect: A typological perspective")


The relative distribution of linguistic diversity in the world. (U Penn)
L'aménagement linguistique dans le monde (Jacques Leclerc, U Laval)
Numbers from 1 to 10 in Over 5000 Languages (Compiled by the irrepressible Mark Rosenfelder)
EurAsia '98, a joint American-British-Uzbek anthropological  expedition to Transcaucasia,  Central Asia and Siberia: on-line papers:  Ancient nomads, female warriors and priestesses, by Jeannine Davis-Kimball; Patterns of classical genetic variation in Asia, by Luca Cavalli-Sforza; The Nostratic linguistic macrofamily, by Ilya Yakubovich; Centum and Satem Languages, by Deborah Anderson; An overview of languages of the Caucasus, by Johanna Nichols
Project on Annotated Bibliography of Contemporary Research in Tense, Grammatical Aspect, Aktionsart , and Related Areas (Professor Robert I. Binnick, University of Toronto at Scarborough)

L'origine de la langue finnoise et des langues apparentées (Ulla-Maija Kulonen, Professeur à l'Institut des langues et civilisations finno-ougriennes).

The "long-rangers" (la mégalo-comparaison).
*  Association for the Study of Language In Prehistory (ASLIP)
Where Do Languages Come From? (The Exploratorium and Merritt Ruhlen)
The Tower of Babel: An International Etymological Database Project (Starostin et l'école russe de comparaison à longue distance)
Was Nostratic A Real Language ? (Interview with Brian Joseph, written by Jeff Grabmeier)
The Ergativic Stage of Early Proto-Indoeuropean (Written by Hans-Joachim Alscher)

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