Christian Pellerin, Ph.D.


Full professor

Department of Chemistry, University of Montreal


Academic background


Postdoctoral fellow

Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering, University of Delaware (2003-2005)

Advisors: Prof. John F. Rabolt and Dr. Bruce Chase


Ph.D. - Polymer chemistry

Département de chimie, Université Laval (1997-2002)

Advisors: Prof. Michel Pézolet and Robert E. Prud'homme



Dept. of Chemistry, University of Idaho (2002)

Advisor: Prof. Peter R. Griffiths


Dept. of Chemistry, Duke University (1998)

Advisor: Prof. Richard A. Palmer


B.Sc. in Chemistry

Département de chimie-biologie, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (1994-1997)

Research at the Pulp and paper research center

Advisor: Prof. Sylvain Robert



Editorial advisory boards

·         Macromolecules

·         ACS Macro Letters

·         Applied Spectroscopy