Laboratory of Dr Michael Mourez
Canada Reseach Chair in bacterial animal diseases
This is the site of the laboratory of Dr Michael Mourez, investigator from the Groupe de Recherche sur les Maladies Infectieuses du Porc (GREMIP) in the School of Veterinary Medecine of Montreal University, also a Canadian Research Chair holder.
The lab is interested in the adhesion of pathogenic bacteria to the tissues of their hosts. Adhesion plays a central role in the infectious process and most pecularly during infection with pathogenic Escherichia coli. Numerous adhesion mecanisms exist and many are still poorly understood. Because of its importance, bacterial adhesion is an ideal target for therapeutic intervention in order to fight bacterial infections. We are focusing on diarrheagenic Escherichia coli, a human and animal pathogen. We are studying the bacterial molecules, called adhesins, that allow these bacteria to bind to the tissues of the gut of their hosts.
The lab started this new area of work in 2003
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