The Net Contribution to Performance Index, a New Measure of Interviewer Performance

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Table des matières

  1. The net contribution to performance index, a new measure of the performance of telephone survey interviewers

  2. Why look at the measurement of interviewer performance?

  3. What are the measures used now in telephone surveys?

  4. What is the problem? There are many...

  5. What is the problem with cooperation rate at first contact?

  6. An appropriate measure

  7. The Net Contribution to Performance Index (NCPI)

  8. Properties of the NCPI

  9. Assessing the usefulness of the NCPI

  10. NCPI, Cooprt1 and other measures -RDD frames only

  11. Usefulness of NCPI according to response rates

  12. Comparison - Gvt & academic projects - ISQ & private pollster

  13. What do these graphs tell us?

  14. Comparison of 3 election polls -Canada 2000- private firms

  15. What do these graphs tell us?

  16. When Cooperation rate at 1st contact is missing for a given day-interviewer...

  17. Which means...

  18. Now, let us compare NCPI and Cooprt1 at the interviewer-day level...

  19. Evolution of performance at the interviewer-day level...

  20. Evolution of performance at the interviewer-day level

  21. Evolution of performance at the interviewer-day level

  22. Evolution of performance at the interviewer-day level

  23. The preceding graphs illustrate that...

  24. Discussion (1)

  25. Discussion (2)

  26. Conclusion

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Dernière mise à jour :
janvier 13, 2006 (vendredi)

Created with Corel Presentations