The Polls, the People and the Quebec Electoral Campaign of 2007

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Table des matières

  1. Polls, the People and the Quebec Electoral Campaign of 2007

  2. Plan of presentation

  3. The context

  4. The context

  5. The context

  6. The context

  7. The context

  8. The context

  9. Evolution of voting intention since November 1st

  10. The context a few days before Voting Day

  11. For whom the poll tells?

  12. For whom the poll tells?

  13. The paradox

  14. Knowledge, confidence in polls

  15. Why are polls not reflecting the reality

  16. Perception of polls as reliable related to voting intention

  17. Perception of polls as reliable related to other characteristics

  18. First tentative conclusion

  19. Influence of polls

  20. Influence of polls

  21. Polls are a good thing for the electorate (61%)

  22. Polls are a bad thing for the electorate (39%)

  23. Who thinks that polls are a good or bad thing?

  24. Preliminary conclusion

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Dernière mise à jour :
juin 16, 2008 (lundi)

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